



最后更新:2024 / 07 / 23


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Last update: 2024 / 07 / 23.
















新修改的政策将立刻替代此前发布的所有版本,但 CDN 提供商、网站托管商、浏览器、运营商和其他组织或个人可能出于节省带宽或其他因素缓存本页面,在这种情况下导致您看到的页面内容可能和实际不符,应当以 GitHub 提交记录为准。您始终可以通过此链接查看本页面的原始 Markdown 文件。



  • IP 地址:我们需要收集您的 IP 地址,用以防止攻击并进行访客量分析;
  • Cookies:我们需要 Cookies 来识别用户身份和确定评论区会话状态,并更好地提供服务;
  • 来自第三方的部分信息:我们需要这些信息来识别用户身份,进行数据分析和调查,并更好地提供服务;
  • 其它必须收集的信息:为了提供服务,我们必须收集这些信息。


您在浏览本站时提供的 IP 地址仅用于显示与统计,以及必要时向公安机关提供证据。




诸如 IP 地址、浏览器 User Agent、Cookies 等数据将会在网络请求时自动获取。Umami 统计所收集的关于访客信息的数据,仅包括操作系统、设备类型、浏览器、IP 属地、屏幕尺寸、引荐来源。

提交评论时,您所留下的身份信息,如昵称、邮箱地址、个人网站等信息将会以 Cookies 的形式储存在您的浏览器中。我们仅会记录您留言时的内容与这些信息,和评论时的 IP 属地、浏览器、操作系统。


IP 属地精确到城市。


诸如 CDN 服务商、Google 广告等第三方加入的数据收集器,我们在一般情况下无法控制。您可以考虑使用广告拦截扩展来屏蔽这些数据收集器。
















  • Cloudflare:Privacy Policy
    • 我们使用了 Cloudflare 的静态网站托管(Pages)服务、域名解析(DNS)服务、网络应用防火墙(WAF)服务、内容分发网络(CDN)服务、人机验证服务(Turnstile)和性能分析服务(Browser Insights);
  • GitHub:隐私声明
    • 我们使用了 GitHub 的代码托管(Git)服务、持续集成(CI)服务和静态网站托管服务(Pages);
  • Google:隐私权和条款
    • 我们使用了 Google 的 OAuth2 服务;
  • Microsoft:隐私声明
    • 我们在站点运营工作中使用了 Microsoft 365(包括 Office 365 专业增强版和 Exchange Online 等)服务;
  • Vercel:Privacy Policy
    • 我们使用了 Vercel 的域名解析(DNS)服务和无服务器函数(Serverless Functions)服务;
  • Umami: Privacy Policy
    • 我们自行部署并使用了 Umami 开发的统计服务;
  • 阿里云:隐私声明
    • 我们使用了阿里云的邮件发送服务、域名解析(DNS)服务;
  • 多吉云: 隐私权政策
    • 我们使用了多吉云的内容分发网络(CDN)服务;
  • 又拍云: 用户隐私政策
    • 我们使用了又拍云的内容分发网络(CDN)服务、对象存储(USS)服务。

Privacy Policy


When you browse our website, in order to provide better services, we may collect some of your information. Nevertheless, we still take your privacy very seriously, which is why we are providing you with this Privacy Policy. This policy is designed to help you understand the information we collect, what information we collect, why we collect this information, and how we collect, process, store and use this information.

How to read

As you know, privacy policies are often lengthy and difficult to read, so we’ve marked parts of this policy to help you read them.


Contents marked with the "TIP" container are good for you


Contents marked with the WARNING container requires your attention.


You must pay special attention to contents marked with a "DANGER" container, because it may be harmful to you.

Amendments of the agreement

We reserve the right to modify this agreement, amend or update this policy at any time. The currently valid version will always be published on our pages.


You should check this page periodically, using your browser’s "refresh" button, to check for any revisions to this policy. If the "Last Updated" date remains the same, it can be assumed that no changes have been made.

The newly revised policy will immediately replace all previously released versions, but CDN providers, website hosts, browsers, ISPs, and other organizations or individuals may cache this page for bandwidth saving or other reasons. In this case, the content of the page you see may not match the actual content, and the GitHub commit record shall prevail. You can always view the original Markdown file of this page via this link.

Information we actively collect and why

We will actively collect the following information:

  • IP address: We need to collect your IP address to prevent attacks and analyze visitor traffic;
  • Cookies: We need cookies to identify users and determine session status in comment areas, and to provide better services;
  • Some information from third parties: We need this information to identify users, conduct data analysis and investigation, and provide better services;
  • Other information that must be collected: In order to provide the service, we must collect this information.


The IP address you provide when browsing this site is only used for display and statistics, and to provide evidence to the public security organs when necessary.

In fact, you do not have to provide this information, but in most cases, if you do not provide this information, we will not be able to provide you with services.

How we collect your information

We collect your information on a minimal basis.

Data such as IP address, browser user agent, cookies, etc. will be automatically obtained when a network request is made. The data collected by Umami Statistics about visitor information includes only operating system, device type, browser, IP origin, screen size, referrer.

When submitting a comment, the identity information you leave, such as nickname, email address, personal website and other information will be stored in your browser in the form of cookies. We will only record the content and information when you leave a message, as well as the IP domain, browser, and operating system when you comment.


IP territories are accurate to geographic locations at the city level.


We generally have no control over data collectors added by third parties such as CDN service providers. You might consider using an ad blocking extension to block these data collectors.

How we use and store your information

In most cases, we will only use your information to provide the best possible service and to continuously improve the services we provide. We also use your information for data analysis and research.

We may use your information to generate further information in order to provide the Services. Although it may be possible to identify users to a certain extent through the information we generate, it is not private information. Due to the particularity of the service, we may disclose this information to the public.

Some information will be stored in clear text and some information will be stored encoded, encrypted or hashed; some information will be stored in our database and some information will be stored directly on your local computer.

In order to provide better services, we may provide some of your information to third parties without your permission, but we will only provide as little information as possible. We will try our best to ensure that third parties process your information in accordance with their privacy policies and relevant laws and regulations, and we will explain which third-party entities we use and which services we use in the "Third-Party Services We Use" section of this privacy statement. Services and their corresponding Privacy Policy for your review.


It is our obligation to protect users’ information from being illegally obtained. Unless with your permission or affected by force majeure, we will not proactively disclose your information to third parties unless necessary, nor will we sell your information to third parties for any purpose.

Ownership, retention and deletion of user information


Although we may store your information, you still own your information. In most cases, we will only obtain and store your information when necessary, and will delete unnecessary information immediately after use.

You can contact us to delete your information at any time, but we also have the right to refuse to deal with any unreasonable request to delete information. If we believe that deleting information will cause us to be unable to provide services to you and other users normally, we may also refuse your request to delete information. Although we can delete the information we store, this does not mean that we can ask third parties to delete the information they store.


Some information may be reacquired or generated after being deleted.

Third party services we use

In order to maintain the browsing experience of the site, we use some services provided by third parties. The providers of these services may collect and use additional data and are beyond our control. Please review the following to understand the privacy policy of the corresponding subject:

  • Cloudflare: Privacy Policy
    • We use Cloudflare’s static website hosting (Pages) service, domain name resolution (DNS) service, web application firewall (WAF) service, content delivery network (CDN) service, human-computer verification service (Turnstile) and performance analysis service (Browser Insights);
  • GitHub: Privacy Statement
    • We used GitHub’s code hosting service (Git), continuous integration (CI) service and static website hosting service (Pages);
  • Google: Privacy and Terms
    • We use Google’s OAuth2 service;
  • Microsoft: Privacy Statement
    • We use Microsoft 365 (including Office 365 ProPlus, Exchange Online, etc.) services in the operation of the Site;
  • Vercel: Privacy Policy
    • We used Vercel’s Domain Name Resolution (DNS) service and Serverless Functions (Serverless Functions) service;
  • Umami: Privacy Policy
    • We deployed and used the statistical service developed by Umami ourselves;
  • Alibaba Cloud (aliyun.com):隐私声明
    • We used Alibaba Cloud’s email sending service and domain name resolution (DNS) service;
  • DogeCloud (CN Mainland Only): 隐私权政策
    • We use DogeCloud’s content delivery network (CDN) service;
  • Upyun: 用户隐私政策
    • We use Upyun’s content delivery network (CDN) service and object storage (USS) service.
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